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How trial subscription works
Your free trial lasts 30 days. We will remind you 7 days before your trial ends. Unless you cancel your subscription within the trial period, a paid yearly subscription will start.
Once your trial ends, you will be charged at the special 12-month introductory price. Towards the end of each subsequent yearly subscription period, you will be charged at the standard annual renewal price. We’ll let you know about your upcoming auto-renewal via email. We will attempt to bill you 15 days before your yearly subscription period ends to ensure uninterrupted protection. Subscription is automatically renewed at the end of a subscription period, for the subsequent period, until you cancel it.
You can cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription at any time.
If you cancel, you will have full protection until the end of the already paid term. After this date, your subscription will end, and you will not be charged for any subsequent periods.
You can cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription through your My Kaspersky account. To cancel:
- Log in to
- Go to your Subscription page
- Click Manage Subscription
- Select Cancel Subscription and follow the steps to confirm cancellation
You can also cancel auto-renewal by contacting Kaspersky Customer Support.
If you’ve already been charged for the next subscription term, you have 30 days from the billing date to request a full refund of the renewal payment.
To request a refund, please contact Kaspersky Customer Support.